Do you feel that you’ve stepped into autumn a bit unprepared? Yes, me too!
I’m sure you know this: autumn, the new school year, an endless series of rules and pandemic measures, and you balancing like an acrobat trying to keep everything under control so that everyone is satisfied. At the end of the day- your desire is only one – fall into bed.
Do you wish you had a place where you could relax, vent, and hear only yourself thinking, without worrying that someone will judge you or tell you what to do?
Do you support all the people around you but feel that you are not supported? And at the same time, so many ideas are being born in your head, and you feel like you could create something extraordinary for yourself right now?
If so, I’ve got you. I understand.
That’s why I created the Live with Ease workshop program – New coaching experience. I offer you space to feel seen and heard. And that you can be with yourself. Without prejudice, condemnation. No advice. No fixing.
You may have already heard of horse-assisted coaching and the Simply me and BalancePoint workshop. Still, this time we offer a whole new experience. That’s why I called it Live with Ease – New coaching experience because everything I do – I do with Ease. And I live with Ease. And I want to share that experience with you.
Live with Ease – is a program designed as your Timeline. It’s your intimate circle of confidants, supporters, and friends. And, of course – horses.
My dear clients have called it:
“Inspiring and full of self-knowledge.”
“Horses – the best mirror ever!”
“A sacred space with no judgment or expectations.”
“I was here and now, showed a great presence in what I was doing. I was delighted to do it, was able to explore and exceed my limits, immense experienced freedom was able to forgive others. Thus ME – experienced it as a “heart opener” – Now, I look to the future with a positive outlook – Dagmar Pazourek.
As always, we start slowly and thoughtfully, knowing that it is more important to do the right thing than fast. That’s why I love working with horses – because they teach us in an easy and supportive way how to be with ourselves, how to live in the moment and without judgment.
We will work in small groups, once a month, on Fridays from 1 to 5 PM (You can find dates of the event as well as the Sign-in form here.
Limited spots
We have 8 very limited spots in this first offer. I encourage you to register quickly and secure a place in a unique workshop Live with Ease – a new coaching experience. An additional benefit is the possibility to register for the entire package of workshops (each time is a new experience!).
By signing up for 6 workshops, your investment is € 960 (€ 160 per workshop).
The price of an individual workshop is 180 €.
The first Live with Ease workshop will be on 08.10.2021 from 1-5 PM.
Yay! I am so happy you want to try this. If you have any questions, I am here for you! Just drop me a message!