Horse to human – new coaching experience

Systemic Constellations with Horses

Systemic Constellations with Horses: A Transformative Journey Guided by Bert Hellinger’s Principles

Discover the profound healing and insight of Systemic Constellations, a revolutionary approach pioneered by Bert Hellinger, now uniquely enhanced with the assistance of horses. This transformative method, grounded in the understanding of family and system dynamics, offers deep insights into personal, family, and organizational issues, facilitating resolutions that honor the system’s integrity.


Why Choose Systemic Constellations with Horses?

Horses, with their acute sensitivity to human emotions and energy, add a powerful dimension to the constellation work. Their presence and reactions during the sessions provide immediate, honest feedback, helping participants access deeper consciousness and emotional states. This unique integration of horses into Systemic Constellations allows for a more profound connection with oneself and the systemic forces that shape our lives.


Our Approach

Under the guidance of the skilled facilitator, our sessions incorporate the principles of Bert Hellinger’s Systemic Constellations, focusing on acknowledging what is, honoring each member’s place in the system, and allowing love to flow freely. The horses act as sentient beings who reflect the system’s dynamics, offering insights that might remain unseen in traditional settings. This approach facilitates a healing process where shifts and resolutions occur organically, leading to profound changes in one’s life and relationships.


Who Can Benefit?

Anyone seeking clarity, resolution, or a more profound understanding of their life’s challenges can benefit from this work. Systemic Constellations with Horses offers a compassionate space to explore and resolve these complexities, whether you’re facing personal struggles, family issues, or professional challenges. No prior experience with horses or constellations is required, only an open heart and a willingness to engage in the process.


Join Us

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing with Systemic Constellations with Horses. Whether new to this work or familiar with Bert Hellinger’s principles, our sessions provide a safe, supportive environment to explore and transform your life’s challenges. Contact us today to learn more about our upcoming workshops and private sessions. Discover the power of healing in harmony with nature and unlock the path to a more fulfilling life.


Your transformative journey awaits. Let the wisdom of horses guide you to deeper insights and resolutions. Connect with us to experience the healing power of Systemic Constellations with Horses.


**Save the Dates:**
– March 16th
– April 14th
– May 26th

**Location:** Kassai Horseback Archery School Austria, Bockfließ
**Time:** 10 AM – 4 PM

**Investment:** €130 per workshop

Our workshops are designed to be inclusive and accessible; hence, we offer sessions in German, English, and B/C/S languages.

Kassai Horseback Archery School Austria