Business communication training is a two-day training (16h) and includes a theoretical and practical approach to the topics covered in the training. The training is intended for managers, team leaders, PR managers, public figures who want to increase their influence through the development of communication skills, coaches, politicians and anyone who wants to improve communication skills using the most powerful techniques of today.
This training could be held assisted by horses.
What is the investment:
2 Days training € 2.780 + VAT
Lunch is included, acommodation is not included.
One-on-One coaching packages:
Personal Coaching Package: Includes sessions lasting 60 minutes every week.
Sessions are held live or online, assisted by horses if client want.
This package is for you if you need the occasional support of a coach in achieving the desired goal or removing obstacles that hinder you on the way to achieving the goal, as well as when you want to invest in time to build a relationship of trust between me as your coach and you.
Your topics are:
Time management,
Creation and realization of medium-term and long-term goals,
Fears such as fear of elevators, planes, cars (wingwave® coaching)
Conflicts at work and in private life
Burn-out prevention
Increasing flexibility
Business ideas
What is the investition:
1 Coaching session € 180 + VAT
6 Coaching sessions € 980 + VAT
Premium Coaching Package: Includes 90 minute sessions each week for three months, weekly follow-up, workbook, useful pdf materials and a free webinar by appointment.
The Premium Coaching Package is for you when the support of a coach in various life segments is important to you. You have made certain steps in your development, you have clearly defined goals and you are ready to invest time, energy and money in achieving your goals.
Your topics are:
Short- and medium-term goals
Preparing for a public appearance
Conflict resolution
Burn-out prevention
Restrictive beliefs
Time management
The role of manager and team leader
Business ideas
Fears and phobias (wingwave® coaching)
Increasing flexibility
What is the investition:
1 Coaching session € 230 + VAT
6 Coaching sessions € 1.250 + VAT
Exclusive Coaching Package: Includes EVERYTHING I can give to my top clients in the coaching process. Four VIP days that include up to 20 hours of intensive work on topics of your choice, in a supportive and relaxing environment at Kassai Horseback archery school Austria or at Farm stay Bosnian Mountain Horse in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The topics and content of VIP sessions are tailor made.
BONUS: Daily follow-up during teamwork, work materials, access to group coaching sessions (online or live of your choice), 20% discount on NLP trainings, 10% discount on workshops.
The Exclusive Coaching Package is for those of you who want an intense experience of change and are ready to completely transform old, useless patterns of thinking and behavior in a few days and adopt new ones that will launch you to the top of the spiral of excellence where you will stay.
Your topics are:
Short-term goals that require quick realization
Medium-term goals that require multi-level access
Long-term goals that require deep digging
Fears and phobias, limiting believs, blockages (wingwave® coaching)
Preparations for public speaking
Business ideas that require quick realization
Conflicts that need a quick and effective solution
Developing business communication skills
Increasing flexibility
Establish a healthy authority in the team and your role in the process